Yo-Yo Dieting

One month you’re eating Keto, working out six days a week, counting calories, and stuffing your Insta feed with #fitspo posts. The next, you’re glued to the couch for Netflix and bingeing on takeout.

Sound familiar?

You’re not the only one who has fallen for weight loss plans. You’re either "on" or you’re "off," and while you might know this isn’t good for you, sometimes we can’t help it. Crash diets and drastic lifestyle makeovers are just too attractive and seem PERFECT at the time!

Apart from making you feel like you're getting a clean break from your "bad" behaviors, many of us tend to be overly confident about our ability to stick with extreme plans that aren't sustainable.

This is the time to take a step back and slow down. Cut back on how much pizza you eat. Gradual changes don't yield super-fast results, but they lead to long-lasting results. You will lose more body fat in the long run since you're creating a new lifestyle that's actually designed for YOUR life.

By making small changes, tracking your progress, you can constantly tick boxes of daily that will help you reach your goal. Who gives a fuck how long it takes! As long as you get there. So if losing body fat means that much to you. Plan to be in the gym 'even go for a walk' for an hour a couple of days per week at 6 or 7am, to get it ticked off for the day.

It's all about the small steps forward each day. By changing up your weight loss mindset, you'll never have to go on or off another weight loss plan ever again!

If you’re ready to ditch yo-yo dieting, get your confidence back and achieve long-lasting results. Message me the words ‘FUCK YO-YO’ and let’s get you real results.

Speak to you soon,

P.S - If you're ready to achieve the results you want, here are three more ways that I can help you:
1) work with me personally on my online coaching program by replying with the word 'SUPPORT'
2) Tune into my stories, posts and ask me questions on Instagram @brandonhepburn
3) Download my free training programs here