How to Gain and Build Lean Muscle | Tips for Skinny Guys

Having a lean body is not a disgrace. You should be happy to know that how to have a fast metabolism than others. Your digestive system is super active that your cravings for eating can never be satisfied. Although you are an athlete as well, your body demands more calories than usual. 

Well, if you are fed up with your lean body, you should take care of one thing, your diet. Yes, you eat and eat a lot, but this is about what do you eat? 

Fortunately, there is a possibility that you can gain muscle on your lean athletic body. Just follow some easy steps to gain and build muscles:

●     Incorporate Nuts in Your Diet: Incorporating nuts into your diet is the simplest task to do. But, you need to add a handful of nuts to your diet on regular basis. It is the simplest yet fastest way for guys and gals to gain muscles.

Although, it is trouble-free to carry nuts along with you while going to high school. Almonds sustain too many calories that satisfy your body’s demand and helps in gaining muscle. 

●     Consume Dry Fruits Instead of Fresh Fruits:  Another fast way to increase your calorie intake is to eat dried fruit rather than fresh fruit more frequently. Fresh fruit, though nutritious and an important part of a successful muscle-building diet, can fill you up faster than dried fruit.

If you are having trouble meeting your calorie needs, eat dried fruit more often. In reality, you can make your own nutritionally rich, calorie-dense trail mix by combining dried fruit with the nuts listed above. It is an excellent snack to have between lessons.

●     Eat Cold Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a pre-eminent carbohydrate source, that should be used in every muscle-building diet. But, for you slim athletes, you may want to serve it cold. Cooked oatmeal takes up way too much space in the stomach and can make you feel full quickly, despite the fact that it contains very few calories.

If you eat it raw, however, you can easily consume 400-500 calories from the oatmeal alone, not to mention the milk you pour on top. Add some slivered almonds, raisins, and maybe a tablespoon or two of peanut butter for extra flavor, and you have got yourself a high-calorie breakfast to start your day.

●     Eat Enough Fatty Fish and Lean Meat: Lean red meat and fatty fish types are two of the best protein sources to have in your muscle-building arsenal. Both of these are good for the skinny guys or gals because they not only provide the protein you need to develop lean muscle mass. But also provide you with some healthy fat. With these options, you will consume more calories overall, bringing you closer to your target of healthy muscle gain.

While chicken and turkey are acceptable protein sources, you should consume higher-calorie protein sources at least once a week.

●     Drink Calories: The following fast trick for the skinny athlete is to drink some of the calories you consume. Most people do not register liquid calories the same way they do solid food calories. So you would not feel as satisfied during the day if you drink more calorie-dense drinks. For extra nutrients, chocolate or regular milk, protein smoothies, or V8 juice are excellent choices. 

●     Take 6 Meals a Day: To gain muscle, you must eat 6 to 8 times a day on your diet. The more often you eat, the smaller your meals will be, making them easier to swallow. Plus, you will probably be able to consume more total calories during the day, so it is a win-win situation.

●     Keep Distant from Low-Density Food: The next piece of advice that all skinny athlete diet plans should follow is to stop eating too many low-density foods. This includes foods like fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities, soups, cooked oatmeal, popcorn, and every other food that provides a lot of volume for a small number of calories. Instead, you want foods with the highest calorie density possible, so you can get the most bang for your buck. 

●     Add Peanut Butter and Almond Butter: Adding Peanut Butter and Almond Butter to your muscle-gaining diet is a mouthwatering initiative. Both of these add up taste in your meal and make it full of protein yet healthy. 

Almond butter is your best friend if you are a skinny guy trying to put together a muscle-building diet. Natural almond butter can be spread on everything: fresh fruit, whole-wheat toast or bagels, and so on. It is a quick and easy way to increase your calorie intake and build muscle safely.

●     Ready-Made your Meals: It is hard to prepare a fresh meal 6 times a day. As part of your muscle-building diet, pre-cooking your meals is also necessary. Most slim guys and gals will struggle to find enough time to prepare enough food every day, but cooking in bigger batches makes things much more comfortable. Remember that most foods can be frozen for later use, cutting down on prep time even further. 

●     Beware of Weight-Gaining Shakes: Finally, you should avoid consuming weight-gainer shakes as part of your muscle-building diet. Preparing your weight-gainer shakes is a better option because commercial weight-gainer shakes are usually high in sugar and low in nutritional value. For healthy fats, use protein powder, ground oats, and ground flaxseeds, or dried coconut. Combine the milk and, if you have one, some frozen fruit in a blender. 

Except for these helpful tips, the exercise would be beneficial as well. You should train your muscle by planning muscle building workout routine. Train your body regarding muscle gaining. 

You should follow up a workout routine from some authentic source that will help you to perform workouts in better ways.

You will build about 227 g of muscle a week at most and you will also get excess fat if you consume too many extra calories to build more muscle. Research has also indicated that the consumption of lean protein within 15 to 20 minutes, throughout and within an hour of workout will help to enhance muscle gain.