Why you shouldn't eat clean

The truth about “clean eating”

If you follow clean eating and it works well for you. That’s all that matters! I’m not saying it’s bad, I just think they are better alternatives to dieting.

On the surface, clean eating is a WINNER!
Remove crappy junk food and eat good whole foods.

What is clean eating?

No one can agree on what it really means. As a bodybuilder, I would say.

  1. Chicken

  2. Egg Whites

  3. White Rice

  4. Sweet Potatoe

  5. Oats

  6. Protein powder

Are clean food sources. Many would say ‘clean’ is unprocessed, whole or natural.
I get why white rice is seen as ‘not clean’ as it goes through a process and removes some nutrients. Why does a sweet potato get classed as ‘clean’ and white as bad? They both are grown in the ground and neither are processed.

Is it because it’s white and that’s bad? If you try and eat ‘clean’ according to all different types of diets. You probably won’t eat ever again!

Why I think clean eating is BS

  1. It removes flexibility from your life as you can miss out on social events and meals out.

  2. The more foods you remove from your life make it harder to be consistent for the long term.

  3. It implies there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods. Causing some people to develop eating disorders.

Having a variety in your life is always going to be more beneficial for the long term of your health, body fat, muscle building and enjoyment of life!

What do I recommend?

  1. Eat more fruit, veg and salad

  2. Don’t eliminate foods from your diet

  3. Make sure to eat protein with all your meals

  4. Monitor your calorie intake (@myfitnesspal) for your goal

  5. Be consistent with your meals

  6. Track your progress

If you have any questions regarding your diet. Please don't hesitate to pop me an email back.


P.S - If you're ready to achieve the results you want, here are three more ways that I can help you:
1) work with me personally on my online coaching program by replying with the word 'SUPPORT'
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