The Key to Abs

I should certainly cover this topic as it is by far the most asked question, I get and that is how do I get my abdominal muscles or “abs” to show.


People have been bombarded with complete nonsense from magic foods to eat “to burn belly fat” or special exercises to give you abs and the truth is that is all a complete lie. 


This myth really needs to go as the scientific evidence dismissing it is not even up for debate. It stems mainly from savvy marketing and someone who is trying to sell you a product or a program that promotes the ability to make you lose fat on a certain area, more often than not this is the midsection as this is a place where we as humans tend to store most of our fat.


We have adverts pop up on the side of our internet browser with things like "Try this one weird trick to burn belly fat" or a TV commercial that promises to 'tone' or 'sculpt' a certain area on your body.


You cannot focus on a specific area (Abs, triceps, lower back, inner thighs, etc) with specific exercises to focus fat loss on that area.


When in a caloric deficit fat loss will occur over the entire body. Please read that again and remember it. We are all genetically predisposed to hold on to fat for longer in some places. Personally, my back even when I'm bulking doesn't hold much body fat, but in and around my Abs and Chest stores a lot.


Does this mean I should do Crunches to burn fat off that area?


Absolutely not. You just have to keep cutting by remaining in a caloric deficit (As explained in the very beginning of the book) and it will all come off eventually. There are no magic tricks.


Also, if it was possible to spot reduce, you'd have individuals walking around with ripped abs but fat on their faces, arms, chest etc. how weird would that look!


So do not ask how do I lose fat from (Insert body part) as the answer will always be just keep cutting/dieting down. Keep in mind that some people who are underweight will first need to gain muscle and build a foundation of strength through training before cutting down to build up not only their muscles around the mid-section, but the rest of their body too.