Living Healthier on a Budget

As an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to balance the demands of your business with the need to take care of yourself. There are some habits you can adopt that will help you live healthier without going broke.

Personal Trainer Brandon Hepburn has some steps to get you started.

Cut Back on Ordering Food

Eating out is one of the biggest drains on our wallets. It will be worth cutting back on how often you dine out or order take-out and cooking at home instead.

If cooking isn't your thing, try meal prepping. This way, you can prepare meals ahead of time and enjoy them throughout the week without having to spend a lot of money or time in the kitchen. Meal planning ensures that you regularly eat nutritious food while also saving money.

So take some time each week to plan out your meals for the next few days and shop accordingly. This way, you’re less likely to waste food or buy items impulsively at the store. This brings us to the next point.

Shop Mindfully

Buying groceries in bulk is a great way to save money without sacrificing quality or nutrition. Many stores offer discounts if you buy in bulk, so this is an easy way to cut down on grocery costs while still stocking up on healthy food. Be sure to check expiration dates before buying, though.

Buying food in season is also a good idea, not just for cost savings but also for nutritional value. Meghan Telpner Inc. notes that seasonal produce tastes better, too. Eating in season means taking advantage of fruits and veggies when they're at their peak ripeness and cheapest price point, so make sure you know what's available and when.

Transform Your Home

Keeping your home clean and organized helps reduce stress levels and keeps air quality high and bacteria levels low. Dedicate some time each week to cleaning tasks, such as dusting surfaces, clearing clutter to reduce stress, and vacuuming floors. This will go a long way toward keeping your home happy and healthy.

Save on Gear

Investing in sports equipment and exercise gear doesn't have to break the bank. There are plenty of online marketplaces where you can find used gear at a fraction of its original cost. Just make sure everything looks good before making a purchase.

You can also opt to buy new and still enjoy savings. The key is copious research. Check out an impartial resource for honest-to-goodness product reviews from consumers like you. Not only does this apply to workout gear but to all other products for the home, as well.

Find Deals on Health Services

If your budget doesn’t stretch far enough for regular visits with a healthcare provider, discount apps will ease some of the financial burden. Plus, if you’re taking medication, it may surprise you just how much money you can save by switching from name-brand products to generic brands. Generic brands tend to have fewer additives and preservatives than their pricier counterparts, as well.

Parlay Your Knowledge Into a Side Business

With all these new tips under your belt, why not share them with others? Consider starting an online course teaching people how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Or, you can make a lucrative living selling health products from the resources you may have found in your journey.

If going into business, you’ll want to start strong, of course. A huge part of this is in choosing an appropriate business structure that protects your interests and offers you tax benefits. Use a registered agent to help you get started. This helps with the overwhelming paperwork and costs less than working with a lawyer.

Also never underestimate the effectiveness of creating your own business cards, which leave a lasting impression and offer potential clientele something tangible to remember you by. Designing a customized business card is simple when you use pre-made templates that you can personalize by adding images, text, and color schemes.

Be Healthy and Frugal

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to break the bank if approached strategically. With these tips, you should be well on your way to leading a healthy life as an entrepreneur — and your wallet will thank you for it, too!