5 Proven Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has stolen the spotlight in the media for a number of years now, and with good reason. Not all fats are “BAD”, this is a useful fact to be aware of when we are making nutritional choices. This natural oil is an excellent fat source to include in your diet. In addition to being perfect for a few health and beauty hacks!

It is saturated fat. healthy saturated fat, have the potential to promote benefits when consumed!

10g of coconut oil is around 9.3g fats

Coconut oil may also contribute towards weight loss as many studies have shown to increase energy expenditure when 15-30g of this fat is supplemented in place of other saturated fats!

BUT you need to be cautious with portion sizes, as with all fats it is calorie dense!

Coconut oil benefits and the uses for it


Coconut oil adds a great flavour to baked goods such as muffins and cakes. 

Coconut oil can be used as a substitution in place of butter, olive oil, or any other fat that a recipe requires, although it tends to give the recipe a coconut taste which can be enhanced by adding another form of coconut such as coconut flakes!

Smoothies & Coffee 


Yeah, Trust me! 

Coconut oil can be added to smoothies to give them a nutritional boost. 

Like coffee? Try adding a small amount of coconut oil in a blender with a shot of brewed coffee and blend. This combo can help to boost your energy, in addition to the satiating effect of the fats helping to prevent any morning cravings.

Savoury Meals 

This is brilliant oil for cooking meals that require high temperatures to prepare and also to use in savoury dishes. 

Olive oil is an oil with totally different properties as it does not respond well to high temperatures because. this is due to it burning very quickly. As a by-product, this removes most of its health benefits when it begins to smoke, so if you’re frying, you can get some serious benefits from making use of coconut oil. 

Hair & Beauty 

It does it all! In addition to consuming coconut oil, it is also beneficial for a number of health and skincare uses.

  • It can be used as a hair conditioner, for softer, smoother hair.

  • Coconut oil is a great moisturiser for your skin, simply apply it in a small amount and rub it in for silky smooth skin.

  • Many people suffer from chapped lips. Coconut oil makes a great lip balm, and when you put some in a small container it is really handy to bring on the go.

Makeup remover

Coconut oil makes a great make-up remover. “My mum and sister use it all the time!” Simply warm the oil slightly, then rub some into the skin and rinse.

To conclude 

Coconut oil is BADASS! The oil has many more uses than just eating it. It also holds really well and is stored at room temperature. It is well worth including in your diet or as a skin. Get it into your cooking and give your food a delicious coconut flavour.